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BLOX STARTED AS A CRAZY IDEA ON A HOT DAY AT A CINCINNATI REDS BASEBALL GAME. our co-founder DAN’S BEER GOT WARM BEFORE HE EVEN SAT DOWN, AND HE HAD THE IDEA FOR A FLAVORED ALCOHOLIC ICE CUBE TO KEEP IT COLD. PROTOTYPEs were SOON MADE AND Were A HUGE HIT WITH THE FIRST PERSON TO TRY IT – our other CO-founder BRIAN. it wasn't long before party people were PUTTING THEM IN EVERYTHING AND CREATING ALL KINDS OF crazy FROZEN COCKTAILS. DAN AND BRIAN REALIZED THEY HAD SOMETHING BIG ON THEIR HANDS and decided to form a company to bring blox to life. We hope you love these things and if you've got your own crazy cocktail idea please send it our way! Cheers!
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